session_start(); // DEFINE VARABLES require("/home/ethicalo/public_html/includes/DEFINE.php"); // INCLUDE FILES require($PATH_HOME."includes/data/link.php"); require($PATH_HOME."includes/".$CONFIG_YEAR."/functions/functions.php"); require($PATH_HOME."includes/".$CONFIG_YEAR."/functions/functions-company.php"); require($PATH_HOME."includes/".$CONFIG_YEAR."/functions/functions-search.php"); // TEST MODE if(isset($_REQUEST['testmode'])) { $_SESSION['ecg_testmode'] = $_REQUEST['testmode']; } elseif(isset($_SESSION['ecg_testmode'])) { $_SESSION['ecg_testmode'] = $_SESSION['ecg_testmode']; } else { $_SESSION['ecg_testmode'] = 0; } ?> '; ?>
How to install and use Shop Ethical! Barcode scan
Download and install one of the following free barcode scanning apps.
For iPhone or Android, respectively:
ZBAR barcode reader
ZXING barcode scanner
1. Open the app and click on 'settings'
2. Choose 'custom search URL' and enter one of the following address:
3. Return to the home screen and scan the barcode of the item.
4. Press the 'custom search' button and you will be taken to the company snaphot for the brand owner.
5. Press back button to return to the scanning app and scan a new item.
6. If no item is found in our database, you have the option to put in the details for the new item. Follow the prompts then submit.